Imagen de un eclipse penumbral de luna

July 5, 2020 - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: How Will it Affect you?

Discover what the stars have in store for you in this penumbral eclipse that will take place on July 5th, 2020

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse will take place on 5th July 2020 | iStock

A penumbral lunar eclipse will take place on July 5, 2020, that will be visible in several parts of the world.

The penumbral eclipse takes place when the moon is in aligned between the Earth and the Sun and the sunlight illuminates the visible face of the astral phenomenon giving it a very intense luminosity. It's a very special moment for the astrological energies since all the emotions are accelerated and acquire an overflowing dynamism. Discover below how the penumbral lunar eclipse on July 5th 2020 will affect you.

Penumbral lunar eclipse on July 5, 2020: Decisive moments

The penumbral lunar eclipse on July 5, 2020 will occur in the transition between Jupiter and Saturn, whose connection will have a decisive influence on mood and psychology with a serious inner conflict: your willingness to expand will clash with pragmatism, and ambition will threaten to overwhelm your tendency to responsibility.

Lunar eclipses are times of great confusion where energies tend to hide and manifest themselves at will and can cause serious imbalances if you fail to understand them and accommodate their flow. The key is to understand your needs.

What is happening in your life right now? What projects are you working on and what are your priorities? What is this moment demanding of you? The penumbral eclipse raises many questions, but it also gives you very special vibrations to solve the contradictions. It's time for reflection.

Jupiter is calling you to the conquest of dreams by eliminating fears and prudence, but the lunar cycle warns you of the danger of falling into the pressures of others and bad influences. Saturn calls for the help of reason to follow a firm path towards the fulfilment of your objectives, but at the same time, it can restrict your capacities.

This is how the penumbral lunar eclipse will affect each zodiac sign

The way to resolve these contradictions and take advantage of the influence of the moon is to know where your ruler stands during the lunar phase and to draw conclusions about how the penumbral lunar eclipse will affect you according to your zodiac sign.

aries logoARIES

Your regent is shaken by the Saturnian tendencies that call you to renounce great ambitions. Before assuming new challenges, you must analyze in what moment of your life you're at and what energies you have in order to launch yourself to the conquest of your dreams. You are moving on very slippery terrain and you don't have a safety net under your feet, throwing yourself into the void is too risky. The eclipse brings confusion and suffering, but it also clears the way and helps you avoid the bitter taste of frustration.

taurus logoTAURUS

The lunar energies trigger in this eclipse the libido of Taurus, which will be immersed in a dangerous tendency to infidelity and painful love dilemmas. At the crossroads, it will be better for you to trust your instincts, but the objective is to avoid ending up at this fork in the road and to do so it's best to stay in place, static, and to analyze the risks. You'll live moments of great inner vivacity, which can be positive to feel alive again after a particularly complicated phase of your life.

gemini logoGEMINI

Use the moon's energy to put a barrier to your unbridled ambitions. Learn to use your skills with more practical determination and get as far away from illusions and fantasies as possible. During this eclipse, Geminis will feel very connected to motherhood, and they will also feel the push towards new adventures to get out of boredom. Strengthen your bonds with those closest to you and try to travel with your soul and spirit to unexplored and rewarding places.

cancer logoCANCER 

Family relationships become a difficult area for Cancers, who will finally see their professional future clarified. All doubts in that field are dispelled and the mind of the crabs acquires a much more practical, real power, which can be put into play to achieve success in the most material areas. Reject fantasies and throw yourself into the conquest of the possible, trust in your abilities and distrust the pats on the back of those around you with intentions that aren't always positive.

leo logoLEO 

The relationship of Leo mothers with their children enters a phase of much more protection and intimacy acquires a very intense vivacity. This can also bring some confusion into your love relationship life, for as you tighten your mother-child bonds you unconsciously move away from your spouse, and the full moon accelerates that process. Leo men, on the other hand, must explore their feminine side to discover a hidden power in their psychology that can culminate in the realization of their goals.

virgo logoVIRGO

The astral confluence mixed with lunar influences culminates in a somewhat irritable mood for Virgos, who feel trapped in problems and unable to find a way out of them. A return to your inner world, through introspection and meditation, will remove the obstacles that prevent you from receiving the illumination of this eclipse, whose wisdom will flood your mind and heart to propel you towards the beginning of the end of those problems. You have the key, you just have to find it, and it is within you.

libra logoLIBRA 

In this lunar transit, Libra's insecurities will be reinforced, and that weakness makes Librans risk making hasty decisions conditioned by fear. It's time to re-explore within you and regain your essence. Returning to the most immediate past is a good way to rediscover your strengths and put them into practice in the present exercise, which is demanding all your energies. Your environment may cloud your feelings, but a person close to you will help you see the light and they will be your guide. Trust their wisdom.

scorpio logoSCORPIO

The penumbral eclipse breaks the creative blockage of Scorpio and increases cognitive reception, which favours the absorption of knowledge that until now presented resistance. It's the time to expand your wisdom in specific areas that can enhance your professional skills, and the opportunity to explore new dimensions without prejudice or barriers. The world of Scorpio is in full expansion, also in the social relations, among which the benefits are counted in a greater amount than the prejudices.

sagittarius logoSAGITTARIUS

The Moon in Capricorn can fuel your rivalry by taking it to the extreme. It's necessary that in the kingdom of Sagittarius, during this lunar eclipse, the establishment of healthy relations with others prevails and replaces egocentrism with cooperation. Loving relationships can also pose tensions in the fragile spirit of the centaur, which enters a phase of particular sensitivity to irrational reactions. The Moon offers you very positive energy to bring out feelings such as humility, forgiveness and generosity.

capricorn logoCAPRICORN

During this lunar eclipse, Capricorn will encounter a torrent of creativity called to be overwhelmed. To do so, they will have to give up much more urgent obligations and the great temptation to engage in a much more profitable business. But the lunar flow releases much deeper and more intimate energies called to resolve the inner conflicts of the goats and to culminate the sense of personal fulfilment that will ultimately be much more rewarding than material gains and visible results.

aquarius logoAQUARIUS

During the lunar eclipse, a space of repentance and revision is opened for the punished spirit of Aquarius, before which the opportunity to solve some pending accounts with themselves and to reach personal liberation appears as salvation. In addition, a different way of seeing others appears, a very special light that will illuminate your surroundings in an unknown way until now. Anxiety and concern for the unknown may appear, but this eclipse can bring new energy if you accept it with humility.

pisces logoPISCES 

Frustration in the professional field will manifest itself in a more distressing way because of your regent's closeness to the aspects of Mars-Saturn. Balancing yourself with accurate reality leads you to a very high state of self-demand that turns any small conquest into an insufficient one, and overdimensions any failure however tiny. The influence of moon waves can help you to relativize, to take distance and to suffocate that destructive instinct that pursues you. Meditation and relaxation become a requirement.

Ritual for the penumbral lunar eclipse

The moon is the universal symbol for fertility and love and this magical eclipse can help a person release these energies and turn them into a source of blessing. This penumbral lunar eclipse ritual for July 5th 2020 is very useful to do so.

It's important to have fasted before the eclipse and get ready with a relaxing bath and comfortable clothes. During the penumbral lunar eclipse of July 5, 2020, write a wish you want to fulfil on a blank piece of paper. Fold the paper and keep it next to you until the eclipse is over, while you sit and meditate in a comfortable place.

Around you, light three candles. If you have made a wish for love, the candles should be pink. If you have made a wish for money and work, they should be yellow. Violet and purple if it's a spiritual wish, and white for wishes of peace for you and your loved ones. If you want to solve a problem and overcome obstacles, light three red candles. 

Put the paper on which you have written your wish next to the candles and say a prayer asking the angels for the lunar energy. Burn the paper slowly and let the candles burn out. Keep the ashes of your wish next to dry sage or rosemary leaves, and wait for it to be fulfilled with hope and confidence.

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