Zodiac wheel

The Eighth House of Astrology

The eighth house is directly related to transformation, death and rebirth

The eighth house is the house of death, change and rebirth. It is the natural house of the sign Scorpio and the planets Pluto and Mars. The eighth house is about what people are willing to sacrifice in order to find their own comfort and happiness. This is a house that teaches the natives to just give to others, which is why it is also about sexuality.

Worldly focus and qualities

Everyone who desires to find themselves and their raw emotions would benefit immensely from checking the eighth house. It would be useless to be afraid of what’s here just because this house represents death. Every obsession, instinct, and compulsion is strongly related to the core of any person’s personality. 

Death and rebirth are important parts of any person’s life because they do not necessarily concern the physical body, but also career changes, participation in new relationships and even changes in appearance.

The eighth house deals with issues that are in the hands of fate and seem very difficult to solve. It helps that these natives are able to understand that the difficulties in their life are a way to make them stronger, and they strongly believe that everything happens for a reason.

The dangers found in this house are power struggles with other individuals. This is also the home of the occult, so it deals with many mysteries and makes individuals feel more attracted to crime solving, psychology, revenge, jealousy and control.

Woman with her arms opened in front of mountains and a lake
The eighth house deals with issues that are in the hands of fate and seem very difficult to solve | Getty Images

Finding peace

Usually, the eighth house requires a lot of peace for the natives to be happy, but also for them to stop being so selfish. Those who want to alleviate the pain will have to be as generous and understanding as possible

No matter what they have experienced, people will always have to deal with the harsh truth that their souls have become bitter and that they will be persecuted forever for what has broken their hearts, until they are ready to openly deal with what has happened to them. 

Those who intend to find themselves and their real emotions, or what secrets their soul hides, should definitely check their eighth house. It is useless to be afraid of what’s here just because this house represents death. Every obsession, instinct, and compulsion is strongly related to the core of any person’s personality.

This is the house where people can reinvent themselves and connect with their own soul. Depending on how they deal with it, the natives will be more or less attracted to the darkness, even if they are terrified of it.

Their intuition will guide them to open to face the monsters in heir life and find a way to be free of them. Often, people with a strong eighth house are attracted by witchcraft, psychological science, and star divination. They desire to understand the human mind. For this reason, they should become instructors or social workers.

Couple smiling in the street
The eighth house represents how individuals view sex and how their past relationships are influencing their lives | Getty Images


The eighth house also represents how individuals view sex and how their past relationships are influencing their lives, regardless of their sun sign. For example, if you had a conservative upbringing, you will think that making love is a sin and something you should be ashamed of. 

However, some natives of the eighth house may be more comfortable in their sexuality and will have casual sex regularly. For those who have a monogamous relationship, the expectations are high, they should find the way to keep things exciting in bed. When it comes to sex, everything is about giving and letting go of things that worry you.

⬇️ Click below to read: 'The Tenth House of Astrology' ⬇️

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