New Moon in Capricorn (December 26, 2019): Special Predictions and Its Magical Ritual
Find out how the arrival of the New Moon in Capricorn on the 26th of December will affect each sign of the zodiac

On December 26, 2019, at 06:13 hours, we enter a new phase: the New Moon of Capricorn (or New Moon in Capricorn). This New Moon will have an impact on all of us and will invite us to create new social and collective structures.
New Moon in Capricorn: A Transit to Maturity
Capricorn is a sign of earth, feminine and cardinal, which is ruled by Saturn. The New Moon in Capricorn releases energy that will charge us with responsibility and maturity, and invite us to get more involved with those we have around.
It is a good time to ask ourselves how mature we are and what we can do to improve ourselves. We can analyze the way we take on responsibilities, if we seek them or if we flee from them.
We can also focus on the benefits of Capricorn's New Moon of December 26, 2019, on an economic and professional level. Have you ever thought about your ambitions, what moves you towards them? And what would you be willing to sacrifice to achieve those accomplishments you dream of?
The energy of the New Moon in Capricorn is manifested simultaneously in the outside world and in the inner world. We will be awakened by the need to change something in society, to contribute our grain of sand. From 06:13 GMT +1, it urges us to organize and structure the functioning of the outside world, as well as to structure and organize our personal power.
Special Prediction: How will the December New Moon affect each sign?
Do you want to know the influence of this lunar phase on your zodiac sign? This is how the New Moon in Capricorn will affect the twelve signs of the zodiac.
The influence of Capricorn's New Moon will increase your need to control everything around you. However, keep in mind that your loved ones won't be willing to let themselves be manipulated as if they were puppets.
It's better to pray with the example instead of with sermons, Aries; change yourself first, and then the others will follow in your footsteps. Lead by example.
As of this December 26, 2019, your excellent intellectual qualities are extolled and allow you to take control of some aspects of life that displease you. You'll have the feeling of being in control of the reins of your life.
Try to master your spirit of contradiction and your tendency to systematically discuss, for reason will not always be on your side, Taurus.
You will possess the dynamism, tone and enthusiasm characteristic of your sign, that sometimes falls asleep. As an added benefit of the New Moon in Capricorn, you will improve confidence in yourself and in life in general.
Your optimistic point of view, Gemini, does not lead you to commit recklessness, but to take more care of yourself and to watch over those who are under your responsibility.
With the dynamics of the New Moon in Capricorn, you'll look like a lion coming out of its cave. They will perceive you as a mature and also eye-catching person, determined to win their bets and to impose their judgment.
Sometimes you will give the impression of wanting to fight for your wisdom to transcend; you will embark on enthusiastic relationships, Cancer, but control a certain inclination towards aggression.
Lately, you only saw the disadvantages of family life, but the New Moon of Capricorn of this December 26 will make you better understand your obligations. Your nonconformist Leo nature softens, as you understand that it is a serious obstacle to your personal growth.
You won't create drama over anything, and you'll promote a change in the way you appreciate the world.
Far from rejecting responsibilities, you will seek them. The New Moon in Capricorn makes you reflect on your ambition, and you will direct your efforts to that same area.
You will feel as comfortable in large meetings as in a small committee, Virgo, because you want to leave your mark on life, no matter how many people perceive it.
All Libra natives will analyze their accounts in a different way, and manage to balance their savings more maturely because of Capricorn’s New Moon.
You will do an analysis of the last months, Libra, and you will have the feeling that everything has been favourable for you; you will feel lucky and rich, not by having more, but for needing less.
Mature in the professional field; you will be very clear that rigour is valued, and that mistakes are paid much more expensive than hits.
In this new stage, Scorpio, you will be able to gradually consolidate your position thanks to strict discipline and scrupulous respect for the promised times.
The arrival of Capricorn's New Moon will be eminently beneficial to Sagittarius: it will give you stability and wisdom in financial matters.
While you'll have the feeling that luck is on your side, remember that's not enough to give up caution. Even if the flow of your coffers is regular or increasing, avoid unnecessary expenses, Sagittarius.
With the arrival of the New Moon on December 26, this sign will give priority to the quality of your relationships with your loved ones, above all else.
Everything that relates to your Capricorn family life will be subject to extremely beneficial global impacts, and you'll know how to manage some problems with a firm hand and unparalleled maturity.
The Aquarius native will be able to make the most of the arrival of the December New Moon to make contacts and get the best out of them; developing new projects will be at your fingertips if you call the right people.
You will know how to take great care of your image and your reputation, and in part, it will be an example to others who are in the same situation.
The family is at the centre of Pisces' concerns, who will know how to be very attentive to the needs of parents, children and their partner.
You will be able to respect the decisions and not always impose your point of view under any circumstances or any price. You will learn to be more generous and understanding.
Magic Ritual for the New Moon in Capricorn
Write on a blank sheet a couple of purposes you want to accomplish with this New Moon of Capricorn on December 26. Actions linked to your maturity and your willpower, always written in positive.
Leave the paper, next to a bay leaf, under a rock crystal, or some magic stone that has a special meaning for you, while you visualize how you have achieved it. Once the new moon night has passed, burn everything and let the wind take away the ashes.