Dominant Planets in your Birth Chart: Find Out What They Say About you
They mark the most motivations of your personality and are located in strategic places of your birth chart: the cardinal points.
The birth chart and dominant planets allow us to quickly analyze what characterizes an individual and his main character traits within astrology. Each of us is ruled by a planet, which provides valuable information about personality and how to anticipate events.
The dominant planet at the top of planetary forces marks the general orientation of your personality, the most common and tenacious motivations of your personality. It somehow represents your perception filter, a unique and natural filter.
It is common for two planets to be equally dominant within the same natalchart, and in this case their respective influences will play in concert. If they are aspects connected by an interplanetary conduct icon, their influences will be articulated according to the logic and quality of the aspect in question.
When we talk about a dominant planet, it's not about the planet that governs your sign, but the star that has the most weight and power in your birth chart because of its location.
To know how to determine it, it is better to know the keys of an astral chart, and the most important is the location of these planets when they fall on the cardinal points of your birth chart: the Sun, Ascendant, Imum Coeli or Background of Heaven, the Descendent.
The Sun
As a dominant planet, the Sun is related to the individuality, will and conscious aspect of personality. It is represented by a circle with a point in the center because it is the central star that radiates and gives life. With the Moon, the Sun forms an astrological pair symbolizing the male and female poles.
What we call "our zodiac sign" corresponds to the sign in which the Sun is located at birth. If you're Aries, it means the Sun was in the sign of Aries on the day of your birth.
The Moon is related to sensitivity, mood and the unconscious part of the personality. It is represented by a lunar crescent, in relation to its changing appearance.
In matters of the birth chart, the Moon governs childhood, nostalgia for the past, tradition and habits. In astrology, the Moon is as important as the Sun, which is why astrologers call them Luminaries.
Mercury is related to the intellect and the way we communicate. It is represented by a crescent over a circle and a cross. As a dominant planet, Mercury governs our mind and our sense of logic. This planet is linked to brothers and sisters, to adolescence and to everything. It also influences communication in general.
In astrology, this dominant planet is represented by a circle on a cross. It's the planet of love, the goddess the Greeks called Aphrodite.
The planet Venus is related to our feelings, our way of loving, our predisposition to union, marriage and romance. The dominant planet Venus also governs our values, our tastes and our relationship with money.
The dominant planet Mars is represented in astrology by a circle from which an arrow emerges, is a symbol of virility. On a feminine theme, it shows the image of the man or lover. It usually represents the profession or activities of the native, his relationship with work, with sport. It is linked to our dynamism, our courage but also to our aggression.
Jupiter has the art of teamwork as a dominant planet. Play with complementarity, train teams, distribute roles. He has great practical sense and knows how to take advantage of everything. It is said to be an opportunistic planet, but really what it likes is to be efficient.
He's also optimistic, he takes life with the right perspective!
Represented by a diagram reminiscent of number 4, it is related to our impulses of generosity, our ability to give, to experience joy.
It is connected with the acquisition of knowledge and our social elevation, but also with our restrictions, our locks, and our limitations. This dominant planet is represented by a cross beneath which draws a kind of sickle, which evokes time and stone: all that is hard and hard.
Represented in astrology by a cross surrounded by two semicircles, the dominant planet Uranus is related to what we have most particular, more personal and more creative in us. It evokes our maverick side, our attachment to freedom with a tendency to revolt and rebellion. It is related to modernity, time and space, our potential for personal creativity and our individual evolution.
Represented by a trident like that of the god to which he owes his name, Neptune is related to our ideals, our moral conscience, our inner faith, our capacity for transcendence. As a dominant planet it expresses the will to rise above the human condition, our projections and our illusions.
If your dominant planet is Pluto according to your birth chart, you should know that it is related to our subconscious, our fears, our intrinsic impulses, our anxieties and phobias. It also evokes the ability to challenge ourselves, to transform ourselves deeply until we leave behind who we were, and to be reborn from our ashes to a better version of ourselves.
Taking into account all these connotations that each of these planets give us, if we join the characteristics of those that are coinciding with some of the cardinal points of our astral chart (Ascendant, Background of Heaven or Imum Coeli, Descending or Middle Heaven), then we will see what our own personal dominances are: for example, Mars in the Ascendant would indicate that you were born for action, to take the reins of every situation you live in... to show off as the born leader you are.
Discover your dominant planets, and confirm that those marked aspects of your personality are part of your identity, the same ones that spoke of you as much or more than your own name, and that your birth chart reveals.