March 20th, 2021 - Spring Equinox: Special Prediction and Magic Ritual
Find out what the stars have in store for you during the spring equinox on March 20, 2021
On March 20, 2021, the vernal equinox will take place, the moment when the length of day and night are equalized. The moment when spring begins in the Northern Hemisphere. It represents the beginning of sowing, fertility and abundance. This astral phase exerts a great influence on the signs of the zodiac.
Discover the magical meaning of the spring equinox in your special prediction for March 20, 2021, and how it will affect your zodiac sign. We suggest all the astral aspects you should take into account and a magic ritual to increase its power.
Spring equinox 2021: change for the better
March is the month of rebirth that marks a transition from the burdens of the past and the hope for the projects of the future. It opens a new stage inaugurated by the orbit of Pluto in Capricorn, the fluctuation of Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury in Aquarius, and the arrival of the New Moon in Pisces on March 13.
Pluto in Capricorn heralds the death of the old order but also the birth of new realities that we will be able to witness consciously. In this new astral phase, we will see the collapse of old beliefs and the appearance of new challenges, new ways of life to which we will have to adapt quickly if we want to take advantage of its benefits.
The influence of Aquarius on three planets reinforces the importance of friendship and the return to the connection with society. Isolation is broken to shift the axis from the individual to the collective, and invites you to resize the present moment and space: you will discover that your destiny is bound up with plans greater than your own interests, and you will feel your desires dissolve into powers far greater than you can control.
The presence of the New Moon in Pisces affects the closing of a vital circle that announces the arrival of renewal, something that will fully connect with the energy of the equinox. But renewal won't come on its own. The conjunction with Saturn and Uranus will condition the expansion of changes to pragmatism and action: it is an appeal to confidence in oneself and in one's power to carry out projects and good deeds.
The equinox will arrive in the midst of this astral confabulation to announce the need for a more positive and ambitious attitude towards life. The sowing of the seeds that will soon sprout will only be fruitful if we water them with commitment, the conviction that we can move towards something better without damaging what is around us. Discover how this spring equinox 2021 will affect you according to your zodiac sign.
Special prediction: What will the spring equinox hold for you?
The spring equinox on March 20, 2021, arrives with opportunities for change that will be expressed differently depending on each planet. Find out how the spring equinox will affect you according to your sign.
Aries will live this transition with the Sun and Venus entering its sign. The spring equinox for Aries comes at a time of great charisma in which they will be able to achieve everything they set out to do thanks to a boundless faith. An inexhaustible source of affection from friends reinforces self-esteem, and very interesting new job prospects open up. The only drawback is that the momentum can lead to overspending: finding the balance will be a great challenge for Arians this month.
The spring equinox 2021 comes at a very volatile time for Taurus, who will have to be ready to get the opportunities that come up. It is a very fruitful time in love and it's ideal to enjoy small pleasures. The astral transitions invite you not to take life too seriously. Be less angry and trust others more. It's a period of great instability for this earth sign, and therefore, the best thing they can do is avoid impulsive and long-term decisions. The secret is to let yourself go.
The equinox on March 20 will make everything Gemini tries to do comes out perfectly well for them, but excesses and impatience must be controlled. There's a risk of anxiety crises appearing in Geminians, for trying to get ahead of events. Meditation in the mornings and lowering the pace of life will allow to shift the weight of matter to the spirit and lower those stress levels. Gemini will enter a phase of greater reciprocity with others, so all the love you give will be returned.
With the Sun entering Aries and the Moon transiting into Libra, the world of Cancer gains security and firmness. This stability allows you to finally make plans, something you have to take advantage of to put your priorities in order. In the field of love and friendship, there will be new people and some surprises, but the feelings are on edge and you can easily lose your nerves. The astral influences in this spring equinox invite you to think things through and learn to listen to the opinion of others.
The entrance of the Sun in a fire sign fills Leo with strength, which overflows with optimism and energy. However, it can also be dazzled by its own light and lose the point of view, the grip on reality. Now more than ever it's necessary to rely on the environment, to trust others, to relativize one's own convictions. Rash decisions can create new problems that will hinder your growth. Think things twice before you do them, and reinforce your kind feelings.
Virgo will recover a certain sense of responsibility that had disappeared in recent times. The spring equinox 2021 reconciles Virgo with its essence, with the principles of order and sacrifice. It doesn't matter that you have not managed to get where you wanted to go, or that you're moving further and further away from what you want. This moment of transformation leads you to value the positive things you have around you that cannot be measured by results. You enter a more spiritual phase, and this will bring you well-being.
Libra enters the spring equinox on March 20 with the challenge of not repeating the same mistakes that have led to a situation of stagnation. This isn't the time to punish yourself, but it's neither the time for complacency. You must critically analyze the wrong steps taken and rebuild confidence based on efficiency. Listen more to others, learn from them and start again with humility. The stars will reward the patience of Libra, which inaugurates an exciting phase in work and love.
The spring equinox for Scorpio will become a turning point to start new stories in the most intimate area. You can start new relationships or new projects that you have been preparing for a long time. The key is not to think long-term. Enjoying the moment of development and creation renews Scorpio's energies and introduces you into a much more positive dynamic. In the area of health, strength may fail. Physical and mental rest will be fundamental, but also diet and meditation.
The spring equinox arrives in the world of Sagittarius with personal conflicts that threaten to overthrow all certainties about oneself. This will favor the exploration of other hitherto obscure paths, and enlightenment will come from people that are very close to you. The Aquarian influence encourages you to open up to others and trust their opinions more. You too can become a luminous being, but don't be hasty. It's a time to stop and think, recharge your energies and let yourself be pampered by others.
Capricorns are leaving behind all those things that had made them strong and they enter a phase of permanent questioning. Security has disappeared, and an abyss full of uncertainty opens up in front of them. The natives of this sign must face the spring equinox 2021 with the will to explore their desires and needs and dare to break some barriers. Capricorn is discovering a new being within themselves, and among so many contradictions it will be good to gain momentum and dare to jump into the void.
The spring equinox for Aquarius brings clairvoyance and awareness, a mental lucidity that you can take advantage of to identify what you want to leave behind from now on, and what you want to create in the future. The influence of Aquarius is very noticeable these days, but the natives of this sign are losing energy. You need to regain strength with new projects, get excited again with new people, dare to take risks. Aquarians need adrenaline to accompany the good mental moment they're going through.
Pisces arrives at the spring equinox at a very special time of fulfillment. They take advantage of the energy provided by the fire signs and the pragmatic influences of the earth ones. You're becoming more self-confident and able to assert your decisions. But the moment also calls for flexibility, adaptation. Staying in the same place can have dire consequences. It's also necessary to move towards a more conscious state of mind: Pisces has to move out of dreams to turn them into reality.
Magic ritual for the spring equinox 2021
The equinox marks a transitional phase where the old dies and the new is born: it is the time of transformation. An ideal time to thanks and ask for things. This is one of the rituals for the spring equinox that you can do at home to prepare yourself to receive the abundance.
You have to start a previous meditation phase, fasting and with a relaxing bath. Prepare an incense with rosemary, which heals, liberates and opens the heart, and basil, which brings fortune and success. Cut the branches of the different herbs into sticks, put them together and intertwine them with the thread from top to bottom. Form the bouquet with the thickness you want and join the ends with a knot. Let it dry for 7 to 10 days.
When the time comes for the ritual, light the incense and let it burn a little. As it burns it will give off the sacred smoke. Go around the room or the place where you are to impregnate the space with the smoke. Recite a prayer to attract the transforming forces. Think about what you want to leave behind and what you want to receive in the future.