June 21, 2021 - Summer Solstice: Your special prediction and its magical ritual
Discover what the stars have in store for you for this summer solstice that will take place on June 21
On June 21, 2021, at 03:32 UTC (05:31 in Spain) the summer solstice will take place. The June solstice marks the transition from spring to summer. In the northern hemisphere, it is the shortest night of the year and the longest day.
The arrival of summer represents luminosity and fullness. This moment has a great influence on astrology. Discover the astrological meaning of the summer solstice with this special prediction, and how it will affect your zodiac sign.
Summer Solstice 2021: Energy Transformation
The summer solstice of 2021 coincides with the entry of Jupiter into Pisces until it goes into retrograde. This announces fast transformations at an individual and collective level. We are entering a new astrological phase marked by change.
All the projects that you had not been able to start up in recent months could now be unraveled. Love, family and social relationships also enter a period of great dynamism. It is a time to make important decisions.
Consciousness evolves with changes. The influence of mutable signs like Pisces and Gemini put very powerful energy into circulation. The individual transformation will bring very rewarding human and spiritual growth.
In astrology, Gemini is the power of the mind to associate ideas, while Pisces is the mirror of fragmented reality. The combination of these two forces favors a positive evolution, which will help to rebuild the pieces that were disconnected until now.
The astrological conjuncture in which the summer solstice will act opens an opportunity to understand the current reality. This coincides with the new age of Aquarius, and therefore the evolution of hierarchy towards equality.
The June solstice holds an exciting astrological phase, with great energy in circulation and many possibilities for change. Find out how the summer solstice will affect you based on your zodiac sign.
How the summer solstice will affect you according to your sign
The summer solstice 2021 opens a stage of renewal that will favor changes in each of the zodiac signs. Find out how the summer solstice will affect you according to your sign.
The June solstice that announces the beginning of summer makes it difficult for Aries to curb some impulses that harm them. This loss of control over your actions can also lead to instability and frustration. In the field of love and family, your home will be the ideal space to grow passion and affection. Astral forces bring a new sex drive to your sign, which can increase your energy field. You will need it because troubled months at work and health are coming.
Taurus begins an exciting stage with the people they love, and the summer solstice increases vitality and optimism. The problems around you will take a back seat thanks to your emotional intelligence. You learn to distinguish what really matters, from what is secondary. You dedicate more time to your people and your personal projects, and this finally makes you feel like the owner of your destiny. You have to accompany this evolution with great willpower and humility.
The natives of this sign will exert a great influence on others during the summer solstice. But this wear and tear can lead to weakness and confusion in themselves. In this astrological phase, the important thing is that you learn to ask for help and to support yourself in the people who matter to you. Gemini has to evolve from the center to the periphery to expand and grow. Selfishness and ambition have to give way to generosity and austerity, both in love and at work.
The Cancer sign takes a definitive step towards the construction of a new being, becoming more charismatic and more successful. The risk of this period is to disconnect from reality, to build a parallel world that doesn't really exist. The summer solstice will help you contextualize the moment and acquire a more pragmatic attitude towards life. You will have great complicity with your partner and you will be able to restore past friendships. Conflicts arising from money appear in the family sphere.
The summer solstice helps the natives of Leo to find the formula to overcome a crisis. As for your relationship, you will learn to put yourself in the other's shoes and this is a crucial step to overcome problems. At work, the blocking phase of projects and businesses ends and a period begins where the stars will favor realization. The results will come after a lot of effort. Regarding your health, you must promote the habits that can lead you to a better moment.
The sign of Virgo receives this summer solstice as a possibility to get closer to its true essence. You connect in a more natural way with your desires and your wills. You renounce everything that creates conflicts and contradictions. The people who are close to you will be influenced by your judgment and your security. You will be able to act as a guide for many people who are disoriented. Your professional projects acquire more clarity, although it is not yet time to start them.
With the summer solstice, fundamental changes occur in Libra's environment, which can also help drive personal transformation. Some new people enter your life, and others who leave. You easily discover those with whom you really want to share your time. You can also set more affordable career goals and come to terms with your more compassionate personality. You will realize that you want to enjoy your free time more and spend less energy on pretending.
The kingdom of Scorpio is directly influenced by the 2021 summer solstice. It will help you understand the decisions of others and how they affect you. It will also introduce you to a new phase in your love relationships, sweetened by complicity. Your mood softens and you become more vulnerable. The challenge for this new time is to get to know yourself better to love yourself more, before giving yourself to others. In the material sphere, there will be losses that you can overcome with your judgment and your intelligence.
Sagittarius natives evolve into a more reality-conscious form in this June solstice. This favors more relaxation, more tranquillity. But it can also cause moments of distress. Acceptance will be essential to overcome this process. Events accumulate around you, but you are a mature being and capable of making the right decisions. In the professional field, some businesses are unlocked and money entry is favored.
The astrological conjuncture favors the recovery of Capricorn in every way and the summer solstice illuminates these changes positively. In the emotional realm, you start a period of regeneration, through which you transform negative energy into new opportunities. As for your material base, you learn to conduct your projects and your businesses collectively and to delegate responsibilities. In health, you increase your well-being thanks to great discipline and overflowing optimism.
The Aquarius sign enters a more intimate dimension in life, where heart matters will overtake material ones. The summer solstice will accelerate the processes of union or rupture in the couple sphere. But it will evolve towards a better stage. The June solstice will enhance good feelings for Aquarius such as kindness, generosity, understanding and compassion. In the field of money and health, there is bad news that will require all your willpower and overcoming.
The summer solstice holds the arrival of major changes in Pisces family life. There will be long trips and changes in residency. In this astrological phase, you will have to find your place and adapt quickly to changes. Also, in your professional career, you will have to overcome some adverse situations. It will be an unstable period, but in which Pisces will learn to recognize their weaknesses and their strength. In this new time, you have to promote self-love.
Ritual for the summer solstice 2021
The summer solstice marks the change of season and holds a new era of transformation. To promote this essential change, you can perform one of the summer solstice rituals. You can do it at home, following these guidelines.
Meditate to relax and release all negative energies. You can prepare an altar with rosemary and basil. Cut the branches and tie them together with bows. Let the bouquets dry and use them for the purification ritual.
Light incense and let it burn while releasing the holy smoke. It is the ideal moment to say a prayer, asking the stars to favor your wishes. Think about what you want to leave behind and what you want to receive.