The Moon: The representation of the Mother and your deepest feelings

The Influence Of The Moon And Venus On Feminine Astrology

Depending on their influence on the birth chart, they will bring out a woman’s most protective or seductive side.

The Moon: The representation of the Mother and your deepest feelings
In astrology, the Moon represents the psychic sphere.

In astrology, if you are looking for information about someone’s feminine side, you have to examine the position of the Moon and Venus in their birth chart. This will help you find out which zodiac sign they influence, and in which of the twelve houses of the zodiac they are located.

The Moon and Venus have long represented the female archetypes of many civilizations’ mythologies. Therefore, it is not surprising that this ancestral interest has its origins in the study of feminine astrology, in the desire to identify the essence of their energy.

The influence of the Moon and Venus on feminine astrology

The analysis of the Moon and Venus in a woman’s birth chart will allow you to understand the female archetype that she represents. On the contrary, when it comes to men, it will show their relationship with women and, more deeply, their inner feminine side.


The Moon: The representation of the Mother and your deepest feelings

As the only satellite of the Earth, the Moon takes 29.5 days to complete one orbit around it. Thanks to the observation from Earth of the relationship between the Moon and the Sun, we were able to create the first calendars, especially in Mesopotamia. The reference points from one new moon to another (or from one full moon to another) are actually visible in the sky.

In astrology, the Moon represents the psychic sphere. Any information that reaches the Earth crosses the Moon’s orbit at some point.

This planet symbolizes the filter of your perceptions, the external stimulus and your psychic experience. Its role is important in the creation of your mental images, in the representations made from different sensory and emotional experiences.

Ultimately, the mind is something very feminine, since the psyche is a womb that gives birth constantly. Specific realities are developed in the same way a woman gives birth: they are germinated, fed, cared for and closely followed up.

The Moon represents the woman, the mother; it symbolizes fertility, openness, inspiration, intuition and emotions. It means versatility, adaptability, commitment and dialogue, even through symbolism or other forms of abstract communication.

The Moon is the star of the night, but it is always changing: it hides, grows, and shrinks. For this reason, the Moon has always been considered mysterious: it represents the dream world, the unconscious, the imagination and sensitivity. It is interesting to note that the moon-related goddesses had multiple faces according to mythologies.

The Moon is related to the stomach (which, by the way, has the shape of a crescent moon), the parasympathetic nervous system that regulates digestion, the uterus and the chest (white circle). For both sexes, the Moon is important when it comes to nutrition and assimilation, both of physical foods and of those that nourish the mind and soul.

The lunar cycle, which corresponds to a woman’s average menstrual cycle, has been related to feminine mysteries in traditional astrology from the very beginning, as well as to all maternal qualities.

In a woman’s birth chart, the Moon is very important as itprovides information about her femininity,  her condition as a woman in general, as well as her relationship with motherhood.

In a man’s birth chart, the Moon indicates his potential sensitivity, as well as the type of woman he is attracted to, his feminine ideal, his solar complementarity, the wife who will be able to satisfy him in a marriage.

Venus: The longing lover and your innermost desires

Did you know that planet Venus is the famous morning star?  When it is visible, it is the first planet to appear in the sky, always in the west, and the last to disappear in the morning, in the east. Therefore, it has served as a compass for travelers and shepherds for centuries. It is the brightest star after the Sun and the Moon.

If the Moon is the mother or the wife that runs her home, Venus represents sensuality, seduction, the lover, the woman who entertains as well as the attraction pole. Venus is also a planet that collects, builds, holds together, in warmth and sweetness. Venus is connective; it binds; it gathers the particles of matter, cells, tissues and organs of the body as well as the partners of a relationship or the members of a community.

In the birth chart, Venus’ position allows you to get an idea of your official (and unofficial) emotional status.  For example, your possible dates, your relationships and marriages, your sense of fidelity, how you are as a lover, whether you have an extramarital life, etc. Venus indicates a part of the individual’s emotional balance, as well as their intimate relationship with others.

It is said that this planet represents love and desire in your life. In terms of female archetypes, love is that strength of cohesion that keeps in balance and harmony different components of the universe around the very center. This feminine entity is affectionate in a magnetic sense; it attracts through gentleness, sweetness, charm, beauty as well as through a smiley appearance. Venus is in charge of a specific function: it determines what is good for you and attracts it.

Venus rules all the artistic fields, such as theatre, painting, sculpture, music, dance, etc. and so, all the places where you can have a good time.

The role of Venus vs. the role of the Moon in female archetypes

It must be clear that the Moon and Venus provide two different dialogues about female archetypes, which are sometimes mixed up or even overlapped.

Above all,  the Moon is an unconscious psyche  and a particular experience of everyday reality. Her sensitivity and emotion are related to these private affairs. 

For her part, Venus tries to attract things from the outside. She wants to capture the experience in the distance to bring it back. Venus enriches the Moon with her feelings, brings her affections so that the Moon can exploit them in a specific psychological way.

However, both the Moon and Venus define together and in harmony the same thing, that is,  the female identity. In their synthesis, as elements that intermingle with the rest of the components of the sky, they give rise to a unique energy as is every woman on Earth, whose footprint is represented for each one of them from the moment of their birth by a unique and unrepeatable drawing: that of their birth chart.

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