Winter Solstice 2019, 22nd of December: Special Predictions and Its Magical Ritual
Learn how to makes the most of the winter solstice on the 22nd of December in order to bring success and happiness into your life

The winter solstice officially marks the arrival of this season, and in the current year 2019, it will take place on December 22. Celebrated by many ancient and more recent civilizations, this winter solstice is popularly related to Christmas and also represents the shortest day of the year.
Winter Solstice: The Time to Be Reborn
The winter solstice is the longest night of the year that marks the beginning of the winter period. During this day, the path of the Sun in the sky is the shortest and the lowest on the horizon. In astrology, it's a date with great meaning.
It represents the moment of rebirth after death. On the longest night, the seeds begin to germinate in the sleeping soil, as a result of strength and light.
The winter solstice marks a rebirth after a symbolic death. This period helps us learn humility and appreciation for the gifts we receive each year. Man must find in him the inner light to replace the outer light that no longer exists.
In this solstice (or winter equinox) Saturn also has an important weight; from the 17th to the 24th of December, their festivities are celebrated as a protector of the seeds.
Special Prediction: What will the winter solstice hold for you?
In this winter equinox of 2019 we can feel the energy change inside us. This heavenly transit, however, will have a different influence on each sign of the zodiac.
Aries, your relationships might stand out during the winter equinox. On the shortest day of the year, relationships could now be a priority for you, and you'll discuss who you want within your life and who you're going to kick out for good.
The winter equinox allows you to start something new. You could establish a new daily routine in your life, which is a deep way of being reborn. Set your own pace, calmly, you don't have to speed up your walk. The seeds you plant will grow with attention, love and commitment, Taurus.
Gemini, during the winter equinox you will have the opportunity to continue your projects and gain momentum to continue moving forward. You'll also be able to reinvent your routine in a romantic way. Maybe you'll stop saying you're not ready for a new relationship.
The sun always shines a little differently after a solstice like the one that happens this December 22nd. The light inside your being will also be different, Cancer. Your beliefs can evolve, and you will willingly accept the changes. You will welcome any form of transformation.
For the Native Leo, this winter solstice will give you the keys to book your opinions. You have a certain ease to look around and judge the people around you, but you will have to know when it is appropriate to say those thoughts aloud and when not. Your reputation is in question.
The winter equinox causes changes in your energy. So the stars give you the opportunity to organize yourself in a different way, in which your forces are better managed. You'll be back to your best in no time, Virgo, especially in the financial sector.
On the shortest day of the year, the stars give you the opportunity to take care of yourself a little more. Winter has begun, so you should raise your personal care more. Pay extra attention to your feelings, which may be somewhat agitated, Libra.
The winter equinox bothers Scorpio a little. You have a lot of light inside you, but you prefer to leave it in the background because you're afraid to get out of your comfort zone. You're happy with yourself, but you can still be much better. Rest and take time to think about your real interests.
New doors have recently opened for Sagittarius, and now, with the arrival of the winter solstice, new people could enter your world through them. A new friendship could flourish, and if you're single, it could become something else. You are one of the most social signs, you will enjoy making new friends.
With the winter equinox, your professional area could be filled with light. A new project could stand before you on the shortest day of the year, an initiative in which you can channel all your enthusiasm. It is better that you go forth without haste because this way you can use the doors that gradually open in front of you, Capricorn.
On the shortest day of the year, the Aquarius native should take a moment to meditate; let your light come out, connect with the universe. So you can find your permanent centre of gravity and even develop all your mental powers. You will also know perfectly in which areas of your life you need to die and then be reborn.
To Pisces, the stars put ahead the opportunity to shine and achieve all the goals of 2019 that escaped their grasp. You have to invest some of your time in regaining your personal power. Learn to forgive yourself, especially if you've underestimated yourself in the last few months.
Magic ritual for the winter solstice
The winter solstice is a magical date, in which you can welcome the new season however you want. Dance. Connect with yourself. Feel. It's a good opportunity to create new habits and develop your creativity.
To awaken all the light of your being, light candles on a wooden surface. When you're lighting them, notice how they represent the flames of the sun that will return in the spring, and cast the darkness, clean and figurative, of winter. Then ask for your wishes, especially if they are linked to fertility and rebirth.
The winter solstice also leads to the creation of an altar, a small corner of your house that you can organize according to your desires, placing objects, images or creations that inspire you. Likewise, you can make a list of everything you appreciate, as a way to value your indoor harvest. Gratitude brings abundance to your life.
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