Love Horoscope for Today, April 21st, 2023
How will each zodiac sign fare in Love today? Discover the Daily Love Prediction for the 12 Signs, both singles and couples
Find out how to improve your love life with the Love Horoscope prediction for the 12 zodiac signs for April 21. Your daily prediction will give you an idea of how the affairs of the heart will develop today.
March 21st - April 19th
In a relationship. Aries, you may experience a difficult day today, as feelings of sadness and anxiety will take hold of you. Take a break and seek the comfort of your partner; they'll help you feel calmer.
Single. This is the right time for you to take a moment for yourself. Try to identify the source of this horrible emotional imbalance and try to address it as soon as possible.

April 20th - May 20thIn a relationship. Thank the Universe for the wonderful gift it gave you the day you and your partner crossed paths. Some days you argue, some days you're angry, but at the end of the day, you both know that you're meant to be.
Single. If you want to know love, you need to improve your empathy. This is a charming virtue when it comes to meeting someone, and it could bring you closer to true love.

May 21st - June 20thIn a relationship. You're going to experience a change in your relationship, Gemini, but this only means that you're growing together. It's important to allow yourself to evolve and not stagnate, so feel happy about this change.
Single. You think you're different and that no one can ever understand who you really are. However, you'll soon meet your other half, and you'll be happy to see that you were wrong and that everything makes sense.

June 21st - July 22ndIn a relationship. If you feel that you and your partner are losing communication, try looking into their eyes. It's true that there are no more sincere words than those spoken by our gazes.
Single. It's important to be honest with others, but also with yourself, Cancer. Fear is causing you to convince yourself that you don't like that person when, in reality, you can't stop thinking about them.

July 23rd - August 22ndIn a relationship. Today, you'll live a complicated situation, because you'll discover that your partner has feelings for someone else. Before making any hasty decision, consider whether this is the result of some unfulfilled need.
Single. Analyze your feelings and sort them out before you come clean with that person. It would be unfair for you to express love if you don't feel it this way, don't you think?

August 23rd - September 22ndIn a relationship. What's happening to you, Virgo? You've always been close and romantic with your partner, but now you're just pushing them away from you. Seriously, consider whether you want to continue together or you need a change.
Single. That person you're getting to know will criticize you today, which will be somewhat hard for you to hear. However, you've been playing with their feelings, and now you deserve to hear theirs.

September 23rd - October 22ndIn a relationship. Do some meditation or introspection exercise to understand what's going on with your relationship. Maybe love isn't over, Libra, maybe it's just hiding behind so many arguments.
Single. Now that you're single, try to think about your needs and priorities when choosing a partner. This will help you stay away from those who can't bring you anything positive.

October 23rd - November 21stIn a relationship. Try to give your relationship a bit more distance and spend more time with your friends. You want to spend every minute of your life with your partner, but this dependence will work against you.
Single. Since your relationship ended, you've needed some time alone, and it is something totally respectable. However, your family and friends are getting worried now. Try to find a moment to see them and let them know that you're fine.

November 22nd - December 21stIn a relationship. You've spoiled your partner by indulging their every whim. However, money is becoming an issue now, and your partner doesn't seem to understand it. Speak clearly with them and explain your situation.
Single. Knowing what you really want will help you a lot in your search for love. Why would you give a chance to that person who has nothing to do with you?

December 22nd - January 29thIn a relationship. You're a bit worried about your partner's new workmate. But you shouldn't listen to that demon who feeds on your insecurities; your partner is madly in love with you and nobody else.
Single. This is a moment in life to enjoy yourself and keep doing whatever you want. You have plenty of time to look for love, if you feel like it, and if not, you'll always have your own company.

January 20th - February 28thIn a relationship. You're going to live an incredible day together with your partner thanks to the gift of the stars. Your two signs are going to be connected, and there isn't a single plan that could go wrong today.
Single. You could venture out on your own today, Aquarius. You've always waited to have a partner to do certain things and don't realize that time passes and never comes back.

February 19th - March 20thIn a relationship. The Love Horoscope today recommends you to have a nice gesture with your partner. You've gone through a bad time, and they've tried very hard to be always by your side, today you should reward them for the effort.
Single. You have a hard time expressing your feelings, and this has pushed a lot of interesting people away from you. Don't let fear control you, and tell that person how you feel about them.