A shining red heart on black heart shapes

Your Love Horoscope Prediction for January 28th, 2023

How will each zodiac sign fare in Love today? Discover the Daily Love Prediction for the 12 Signs, both singles and couples

Your Love Prediction for January 28th, 2023, will guide you and help you overcome any problems. If you're going through a rough patch or need help from the stars, you'll find all the answers here. 

Aries Logo


(March 21st – April 19th)

Aries couples. Aries, the Love Prediction encourages you to take the initiative in your relationship. Don't let your partner always come up with plans for both of you. 

Aries singles. Aries, your Love Horoscope suggests you start going out more with your friends. Expand your social circle, and you'll be closer to finding love.

IMPORTANT ARIES TODAY SATURDAY: Complete Prediction | Compatibilities  | Lucky numbersAsk the Crystal ball | Tarot Cards


Tauro Logo


(April 20th - May 20th)

Taurus couples. Taurus, your Love Horoscope recommends you and your better half find a way to balance your schedules. It's been complicated to make plans together lately. 

Taurus singles. Taurus, the Love Prediction indicates that you'll have an opportunity to spend some time alone with that special someone. If you think it's the right moment to take the plunge, don't hesitate.

IMPORTANT TAURUS TODAY SATURDAY: Complete Prediction | Compatibilities  | Lucky numbersAsk the Crystal ball | Tarot Cards


Géminis Logo


(May 21st - June 20th)

Gemini couples. Gemini, the Love Horoscope advises you to seek refuge in your beloved. It's likely that you're going through a painful period due to the loss of a family member.

Gemini singles. Gemini, your Love Prediction suggests that you step into your crush's world. You don't have to change the way you are; just show interest in their hobbies. 

IMPORTANT GEMINI TODAY SATURDAY: Complete Prediction | Compatibilities  | Lucky numbersAsk the Crystal ball | Tarot Cards

Cáncer Logo


(June 21st - July 22nd)

Cancer couples.  Cancer, your Love Prediction encourages you to collaborate with your partner on that project. It may lead you two to a very positive outcome.

Cancer singles. Cancer, the Love Horoscope reveals that you're about to lose patience with that individual. Your hints don't seem to have any effect, so you'll have to be more direct.

IMPORTANT CANCER TODAY SATURDAY: Complete Prediction | Compatibilities  | Lucky numbersAsk the Crystal ball | Tarot Cards


Leo Logo


(July 23rd - August 22nd)

Leo couples.  Leo, the Love Prediction points out that you're facing a new stage in your relationship. You're evolving as a couple, which shows that your bond is getting deeper. 

Leo singles.  Leo, your Love Horoscope recommends you break your routine. If you're bored with spending hours watching series on that platform, start socializing and create your own romantic movie.

IMPORTANT LEO TODAY SATURDAY: Complete Prediction | Compatibilities  | Lucky numbersAsk the Crystal ball | Tarot Cards


Virgo Logo


(August 23rd - September 22nd)

Virgo couples. Virgo, your Love Prediction foresees that your partner will be acting strange. All your alarms will go off, but it may just be a confusion.

Virgo singles. Virgo, the Love Horoscope advises you to remember how you felt when someone mistreated you. Dwell on your memories not to do the same to that individual. 

IMPORTANT VIRGO TODAY SATURDAY: Complete Prediction | Compatibilities  | Lucky numbersAsk the Crystal ball | Tarot Cards


Libra Logo


(September 23rd - October 22nd)

Libra couples.  Libra, your Love Horoscope suggests you open your mind and go for new adventures. Don't miss an opportunity to continue creating wonderful memories with your significant other.

Libra singles.  Libra, the Love Prediction foresees that you could have an unfortunate encounter with your ex. Be careful not to fall for them again and go your own way. 

IMPORTANT LIBRA TODAY SATURDAY: Complete Prediction | Compatibilities  | Lucky numbersAsk the Crystal ball | Tarot Cards

Escorpio Logo


(October 23rd - November 21st)

Scorpio couples.  Scorpio, the Love Prediction warns you about the importance of spending time together with your better half. Even if you've started a family, children shouldn't prevent you from enjoying your intimacy.

Scorpio singles.  Scorpio, your Love Horoscope advises you to surround yourself with those who love you. They'll make you see that you aren't on your own and that this breakup has been for the better.

IMPORTANT SCORPIO TODAY SATURDAY: Complete Prediction | Compatibilities  | Lucky numbersAsk the Crystal ball | Tarot Cards

Sagitario Logo


(November 22nd - December 21st)

Sagittarius couples.  Sagittarius, the Love Prediction points out that you could be misjudging your partner's friend. Don't let your jealousy make you see ghosts where there are none.

Sagittarius singles.  Sagittarius, your Love Horoscope reveals that you've been wrong about that person. Before you judge someone, give them a chance and get to know them better. 

IMPORTANT SAGITTARIUS TODAY SATURDAY: Complete Prediction | Compatibilities  | Lucky numbersAsk the Crystal ball | Tarot Cards

Capricornio Logo


(December 22nd - January 19th)

Capricorn couples.  Capricorn, your Love Horoscope recommends you be more grateful for the work your beloved does. He/she works from home, but that doesn't mean that they should do all the housework. 

Capricorn singles. Capricorn, the Love Prediction warns you about your behavior at home. You should get more involved in housework or the household economy.

IMPORTANT CAPRICORN TODAY SATURDAY: Complete Prediction | Compatibilities  | Lucky numbersAsk the Crystal ball | Tarot Cards


Acuario Logo


(January 20th - February 18th)

Aquarius couples.  Aquarius, the Love Prediction shows that you're in a complicated position. You'll have to mediate between your partner and your friends, as there is a conflict between them.

Aquarius singles.  Aquarius, your Love Horoscope points out that you're about to clash with this individual. Maybe you aren't meant to be together after all.

IMPORTANT AQUARIUS TODAY SATURDAY: Complete Prediction | Compatibilities  | Lucky numbersAsk the Crystal ball | Tarot Cards


Piscis Logo


(February 19th - March 20th)

Pisces couples.  Pisces, the Love Prediction warns you about certain problems that you're about to face. Don't let bad manners worsen the situation between you.

Pisces singles. Pisces, your Love Horoscope reminds you that communication is the basis of any relationship. If you want it to work out, be honest and show your true intentions.

IMPORTANT PISCES TODAY SATURDAY: Complete Prediction | Compatibilities  | Lucky numbersAsk the Crystal ball | Tarot Cards


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