Weekly Horoscope from July 3 to 9
Find out about the forecast for your sign, free of charge! To explore what the week will generate in love, work, the economy and well-being this first week of July!
All zodiac signs have the opportunity to discuss the challenges ahead of them in terms of their work, finances or love life. This week offers an excellent occasion to meditate on your hopes and aspirations and to make wise decisions.
March 21st - April 19th
Be on your guard, Aries, for there are many who will try to manipulate you. This week, your work colleagues may try to ruin your image and cause superiors to lose confidence in you. Ignore these provocations completely and stay in control. You'll also come across somebody interested in offering you a so-called ''business'' which clearly offers no profit. You know what you should do, so don't waste your time. In the romantic field, be on your guard.
IMPORTANT ARIES: Weekly Love Horoscope | Compatibilities | Lucky Numbers | Ask the magic ball | Tarot Cards | Horoscope on WhatsApp
April 20th - May 20th
The job offer awaiting you this week has the potential to improve your income, Taurus, so take a look at the pros and cons. If you have your own business or commercial office, you've probably lost control of the numbers. Be aware of expenses, avoid indulgence and look to the right professionals for help. If you're facing a period of uncertainty in love, don't be slow to realize that there's a strong bond between the two of you. Your partner values the relationship you have.
IMPORTANT TAURUS: Weekly Love Horoscope | Compatibilities | Lucky Numbers | Ask the magic ball | Tarot Cards | Horoscope on WhatsApp
May 21st - June 20th
You'll experience some significant changes in your professional area, Gemini. The results of your efforts will begin to be visible now. This week will offer you some circumstances to your benefit. Don't forget to control your impulses before acting, think it through. You could now receive some money you were expecting. First, catch up on your overdue payments and then manage the rest to avoid problems. If you have a business, one of your partners will soon point out their lack of commitment.
IMPORTANT GEMINI: Weekly Love Horoscope | Compatibilities | Lucky Numbers | Ask the magic ball | Tarot Cards | Horoscope on WhatsApp
June 21st - July 22nd
This week, Cancer, will bring you great news. Expect to receive a financial benefit, perhaps a severance payment, income from an inheritance, whatever, which will cheer you up. Don't go spending money before its time. Love comes with its dose of imbalance; your partner may feel embarrassed by your demands. If they decide to take a break to rethink, try to console yourself. The source of the problem is yours, notice it when the time comes. Reconciliation could come at the end of the week.
IMPORTANT CANCER: Weekly Love Horoscope | Compatibilities | Lucky Numbers | Ask the magic ball | Tarot Cards | Horoscope on WhatsApp
July 23rd - August 22nd
Due to the planetary energies at this time, Leo, you're being prompted to change your outlook and perspective on the world. Although at first the situation may cause you a great emotional burden, you'll soon see that it's beneficial for you. On the other hand, the news in your work environment which you were expecting may not come as soon as you had imagined and maybe this will disappoint you and make you feel that nobody appreciates the efforts you're making. Be patient, Leo.
IMPORTANT LEO: Weekly Love Horoscope | Compatibilities | Lucky Numbers | Ask the magic ball | Tarot Cards | Horoscope on WhatsApp
August 23rd - September 22nd
Virgo, in order to take advantage of the excellent opportunities that life offers you, begin to moderate your emotions and behave correctly in certain situations that you haven't controlled yet, such as overindulging in your temper even when there's no reason to do so. If you want your resolutions to come to fruition, you have to be aware that your inner attitude must be irreproachable. In general, you'll feel optimistic about work. Help that relative with financial problems.
IMPORTANT VIRGO: Weekly Love Horoscope | Compatibilities | Lucky Numbers | Ask the magic ball | Tarot Cards | Horoscope on WhatsApp
During this week, Libra, you have challenges at your fingertips which promise satisfactory results. Certain constellations will positively influence your circumstances so that you can tip the balance in your favor. You'll learn to distinguish that which is worthwhile from that which is not, while continuing to overcome. On the other hand, if you feel blocked because you feel you're limited in your work, it's best not to make irreversible decisions for now. Look for other horizons, but without rushing.
IMPORTANT LIBRA: Weekly Love Horoscope | Compatibilities | Lucky Numbers | Ask the magic ball | Tarot Cards | Horoscope on WhatsApp
October 23rd - November 21st
Remember that your dreams come true and that now is the time to see the glass as half full. Don't let pessimism get the better of you, as it will only make you feel inactive, especially in your field of work, Scorpio. It's true that recent events have not turned out as you imagined, but that shouldn't be a reason not to see the future with optimism. Everything will begin to change in unexpected ways soon. In love, remember that before starting something with someone, you need to put an end to your current relationship.
IMPORTANT SCORPIO: Weekly Love Horoscope | Compatibilities | Lucky Numbers | Ask the magic ball | Tarot Cards | Horoscope on WhatsApp
November 22nd - December 21st
These days, Sagittarius, it's time to evaluate your work environment and decide to make a change. Don't rush before you're sure there's something better waiting for you. Be patient and move on. Fortunately, the economic plans you put in place have begun to give you the expected results. You now have more money to spend. On the other hand, the decision to end your relationship is in your hands. Don't let an attempt at pity change your mind after all.
IMPORTANT SAGITTARIUS: Weekly Love Horoscope | Compatibilities | Lucky Numbers | Ask the magic ball | Tarot Cards | Horoscope on WhatsApp
December 22nd - January 29th
Entering an astral period, Capricorn, you'll feel more in tune with what you carry in your heart. These energies will also make you long to experience some adventure in your life. Summer could be a good time for this, but consider planning ahead. As far as work is concerned, these planetary influences could bring you good news in the form of a creative and innovative project which would bring benefits to your economy. In the romantic world, don't worry about anything.
IMPORTANT CAPRICORN: Weekly Love Horoscope | Compatibilities | Lucky Numbers | Ask the magic ball | Tarot Cards | Horoscope on WhatsApp
January 20th - February 28th
For some time now, Aquarius, you've been struggling to find a solution to professional achievements. You're on good terms with your co-workers, but you feel inadequate. You're confident that you're competent and have the freedom to work on new and more challenging projects, but you assume it may take a little time. You wait patiently for things to change. Besides, you need the money you get from your job to survive on a tight budget.
IMPORTANT AQUARIUS: Weekly Love Horoscope | Compatibilities | Lucky Numbers | Ask the magic ball | Tarot Cards | Horoscope on WhatsApp
February 19th - March 20th
These days, Pisces, you have the opportunity to take some extra time to think and evaluate before coming to a conclusion. This week you can explore new areas of work which will give you the degree of knowledge you need to feel confident. If you have a business, we recommend that you ask for help from somebody with experience in this area. As for your love life, don't worry, Venus will protect you to get that love you desire or to secure a lasting commitment with that person.
IMPORTANT PISCES: Weekly Love Horoscope | Compatibilities | Lucky Numbers | Ask the magic ball | Tarot Cards | Horoscope on WhatsApp