
Kinesiology: What This Alternative Therapy is and What it's For

Discover the connection between your body's reflex movement and its connection to the secrets of your unconscious.

Kinesiology: What This Alternative Therapy is and What it's For | iSTOCK

Kinesiology is a current founded in the 1960s by an American chiropractor, Dr. George Goodheart, and is inspired by Chinese medicine. Its goal is to find the nature, place and origin of blockages, fears and anxieties. But where is the answer supposed to be hiding? Again, in our unconscious. However, our own body can reveal its secrets to us through evidence beyond the control of our most rational brain.

Kinesiology: what it is and what it is for

Kinesiology, etymologically means "the science of movement", and studies the relationship between the quality of movement and health. The classic relationship of mind and body points towards general well-being  by working on emotional and mental blockages.

According to this current, the body has memory and retains traces of its history that sometimes prevent using all the potential it really has.

Thus,  kinesiology is used to decipher this memory of the body to unlock the circulation of energy and repair the trauma. The duration of a session is usually one hour, except for the first one for which it can sometimes last a little longer, as a contact and interview between patient and therapist is needed.

Benefits of kinesiology

Kinesiology can be useful in cases of pathologies related to stress, shock and trauma. Also with food allergies, deficiencies and thyroid disorders. It also prevents the body from malfunctioning before it gets worse.

The reason is that these are problems whose origin is hiding in our unconscious, and to access it, it is necessary to other types of evaluations  other than the usual ones to be able to find accurate answers.

How do I perform a session?

The kinesiologist first conducts a dialogue to understand all aspects of the consultant's request, which must define precisely the objective to be achieved. The therapist then uses the muscle test to identify blockages that prevent him from achieving this goal today, selects the protocols, and verifies that the consultant has the full potential to achieve his goal.

Reactions vary greatly from person to person, and even from one session to another: sometimes well-being is immediate, sometimes it takes a few days or weeks to integrate all the new data.

Holistic Kinesiology and Arm Reflex Test (AR)

Within the different techniques of kinesiology, there is holistic kinesiology, which in particular uses the muscular test called Arm Reflex,  commonly known as AR and which was introduced by Raphael Van Assche, physiotherapist and osteopath Austrian, which integrates an easy tool to work with the aphase muscle response, which is always active and less voluntary.

In this system, the stress response results in an apparent shortening of one of the muscle chains, which is reflected in one of the two arms. In this way you can access the information stored in the person's unconscious that with other methodologies would not be feasible to know.

As already discussed,  kinesiology focuses on the search for the general well-being of the person taking into account the physical, emotional and mental aspects. Its main feature is the use of muscle testing to know how the person works, detect and eliminate imbalances and awaken their potential. That is why the arm  reflex test is essential to investigate its origins.

How to do a kinesiology test

The muscle test is applied to any muscle in the body and involves evaluating the tone of a muscle by exerting slight pressure on the contraction while testing a possible stressor.

The aforementioned stressor can be an emotion, an attitude, a situation, a movement or a body position.

The muscle test consists of four phases:

-Detect what is making the body unbalanced.

-Shows the body what rebalances it.

-Performs correction that allows the body to rebalance.

-Shows the body that the imbalance is corrected.

Is kinesiology reliable?

Kinesiology is not recognized by the World Health Organization,  and its detractors emphasize that it lacks any validated scientific basis. Like all alternative therapies, it could carry some risk to patients. And it is that the kinesiologist should be understood as a professional in stress management and health prevention, and  must never replace medical treatment or psychological follow-up.

Who can practice kinesiology?

For all the above, since it is not an officially recognized profession within the field of health, it would be advisable to check whether the therapist who practices has any degree linked to the International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK) , the National and International Kinesiology Union (UNIK) or some national register of kinesiologists who support the correct application of this therapy in the appropriate context.

In some regions, anyone with 500 hours of training can practice specialized kinesiology. Training can be conducted at specialized training centers or directly with independent kinesiologists. Training centres offer a common programme based on a national and international nomenclature of competency units, in which the student finds the necessary elements for his or her curriculum.

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