What Is Meditation? The Perks of Guided Meditation
Learn how to meditate in 6 simple steps and enjoy the benefits of meditation
Throughout the day, our thoughts pile up, we can't control them, and feel quickly overwhelmed, which can cause us to feel stressed. That's when guided meditation becomes a useful tool to find emotional balance and personal growth inside ourselves.
What is meditation? A definition
In the same way that sport makes our body stronger, meditation helps uplift our spirit. Guided meditation is a practice that promotes health, wellness and personal growth, and it's all about actively training your mind. Its goal? Increasing our mindfulness and awareness of the here and now.
It could be said that the aim of meditation is to empty yourself, to connect body and mind, and to free the mind from stressful thoughts.
What about guided meditation?
We have just mentioned training, and in this sense, it should be noted that guided meditation is the one practised without any previous knowledge. It would be enough to guide oneself through the voice (or the words in whatever file we use as reference).
Just like with physical training, guided meditation is more motivating than the one done all alone: it's often easier to receive instructions rather than forcing oneself to focus.
Also, many people who already practise meditation think they relax easier and better, and focus on their perceptions more, when they're guided versus when they're alone. In addition, as has been mentioned previously, meditation involves a new learning of breathing and posture, so it's good to receive instructions before going for it solo.
Many practise guided meditation as healing, because it increases our wellness and life quality, improves the mood, changes emotions and perceptions. Thanks to it, we're more present in the world around us.
Benefits of meditation
These are some of the perks of healing-aimed guided meditation, as well as for meditation in general:
Delays brain aging
There are university studies that prove that meditating for 8 weeks, half an hour a day, can completely restore grey matter.
Minimizes stress and anxiety
Meditation eases the pain and anxiety of depression. It also lowers down the heartbeat in stressful moments.
It helps overcome addictions
Guided meditation affects the areas of the brain connected to self-control. Thus, it will cut the ties of mental status and dependency in their physical expression.
Increases focus quality and level
One of the main goals of guided meditation is to try to completely focus on one idea, and stop switching thoughts all around.
Contributes to personal growth
Meditation frees the mind of all poisoning thoughts and allows to pay more attention to others. It clears off your issues, promotes self-knowledge, and you eventually embrace and control all emotions of daily life.
Types of meditation
There are many meditation techniques, whether guided or not, and all of them are based on the same key elements: good posture, breathing work, and mental awareness of the here and now.
Some of the most common meditation types proceed as follows:
Mindfulness meditation
You become aware of your body and environment every second, and you're completely aware of the present time.
Transcendental meditation
It involves a deep relaxation technique based on using mantras, repeated phrases or words. It can bring a boost into your focus.
Zen meditation
The aim is to change the point of view of the world and our own through reflection, observation, and of course, meditation.
Vipassana meditation
It is based on breathing, and allows you to develop your focus and attention.
Ho'oponopono meditation
Stemming from Hawaiian currents, it helps to restore peace in itself, but also around a community or family. It is based on self-persuasion and meditation techniques to cleanse toxic memories off our mind, purify conscience and reconnect with ourselves.
How to meditate: 6 simple steps
Meditation benefits are obvious, and we can all enjoy this practice regardless of religious beliefs. There are no set rules, because the goal is to find the practice that fits your own needs the best. To meditate, we can follow these six steps:
1. Choose the right time
It all depends on your expectations. At night we can get rid of the day's stress, and in the morning we can carry out our day in optimal condition.
2. Create the right mood, with candles or meditation music
Meditate in front of a wall and avoid distractions. You need to be comfortable, with loose clothing, and barefoot. Get comfy. If you wish, you can add candles, incense and some meditation music, like an instrumental piece or some audio-guided meditation.
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3. Relax
Before meditation begins, stretch a little bit, cleanse your lungs with a few deep breaths, and be aware of your body and its parts.
4. Choose a posture you can hold
The lotus position is the most well-known in meditation, but just so you know, you can meditate sitting, standing, lying down, with open or shut eyes... Just make sure your position's stable and good for breathing.
5. Free your mind
Let your emotions and thoughts come and go without dwelling on them. You can focus on a sound or syllable, a mantra like the one we mentioned, that you can repeat mentally or out loud.
6. Be regular
Just like with any sport you're training for, you need to keep practising meditation to achieve the desired outcome.