
Monkey Horoscope 2020 - Year of the Metal Rat in the Chinese Zodiac

The Prediction for the Chinese Zodiac Monkey on the Year of the Metal Rat

The Monkey in the Year of the Metal Rat

2020 arrives for the monkey sign according to the Chinese Horoscope, the year of the Metal Rat. A cycle of abundance but also of drastic changes begins, where intuition will be the key to choosing the right path and prudence a great ally in the face of doubt.

Let us tell you how things will go during this year for the Chinese Zodiac Monkey.

The Monkey in the Year of the Metal Rat

The native of the monkey sign will have one of their best years during 2020, both personally and at work. The long-awaited pending conversations that would materialize the projects that have so much weight for them arrive, but they will have to be prepared no matter how eager they are to make their wishes come true  because they will involve very important changes in your life.

The Monkey in Love

The energies that haunt the loving terrain will be on your side bringing out your full potential and emphasizing your greatest personal charms. The Chinese horoscope monkey will not lack suitors or experiences to enjoy.

Take the opportunity to savour the most fun stage of the incipient relationships: seduction and its inherent game will delight you if it is what the body asks you at the moment, but you must be careful not to get involved more than you think you can bear. Be honest at all times with the other person, whether it's to dig deeper into a possible relationship or just want to have a good time from time to time.

Money and work for 2020

2020 will be a year without excessive economic headaches for the Monkey. For those who know how to take advantage of the good influence of stability in this regard, they will take the advantage of beginning to look at future possible goals and place them in the years to come.

Although in such a case, they will have to plan what they can do over these 12 months, thinking about building something in the long term, and in that, the native of this sign is not especially good.

Stability at work and the absence of unexpected or excessively complex changes will make the path clear for the Monkey's next goals, but it will all depend on how motivated you are to pursue what you plan to do.

Health in the Year of the Rat

There may be some moments of lowering defences, with the consequent visit to the doctor, but nothing of excessive importance. However,  it is better to be vigilant and not let your guard down in the convalescence processes.  Tranquillity, exercise and good food.

Our advice for the Monkey

Nothing better to face uncertainty than a good positive attitude towards life. For the Monkey native, allying with joy always turns out to be a winning bet, as it is an attitude that requires little effort. The reason? That this sign is so by nature.

So, just remind this native to two basic ideas:  Be yourself and remember to always have your friends around. Count on them, they already count on you.

Horoscope 2020 for the rest of the Chinese zodiac signs

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