Mugwort: Mother of All Magical Plants
Find out the mugwort benefits for menstruation and female fertility, the mother of all magical plants
Since ancient times, Artemisia vulgaris has been revealed as an effective medicinal plant to regulate menstruation and prevent menstrual cramps, and as a magical plant used for rituals and spells for protection. Discover the therapeutic and magical properties of this divine plant consecrated to the lunar/feminine goddess Artemis.
Mugwort, the sacred plant of protection
The magical dimension of this plant reaches the limbo of the sacred and the divine. That is why the so-called "mother of all herbs" owes its name to a Greek goddess, Artemis, who protected hunting, forests, and fertility. Infused by the ascendant of the Moon, this goddess gives Artemisia vulgaris special magical properties.
Artemis blesses this herb with the gift to offer to women and mothers very beneficial elements. The Greek physician Dioscorides believed that placing a poultice of mugwort under the womb would regulate menstruation.
Mugwort belongs to the family of Asteraceae and receives other names such as St. John's wort. However, mugwort is its most popular name.
The Artemisia plant grows in Europe, Asia, Africa, and North America, especially in uncultivated nitrogenous soils. It usually measures 1 to 2 meters and has leaves of 5 to 20 centimeters long dark green. The stem is dark red and blooms, usually from July to September, yellow or reddish petals.
But the great particularity of this herb is the thujone, a toxic substance that since ancient times has made it the object of desire of witches and healers.
Magical and health mugwort benefits
In Ancient Greece, the medical benefits of the mugwort plant were discovered, which later, in the Middle Ages, evolved into magical uses. Since then, it has been given divine and sacred properties. However, thujone is a very potent toxin that can put a person at risk, especially pregnant women.
Precisely because of this, mugwort is a plant increasingly in disuse, but used responsibly and carefully can offer some important benefits.
1. Health
The elements of mugwort combine to form a powerful antiseptic that can be used to heal wounds or wash the dermis in case of pimples and eczema. It also contains very healthy benefits for the mind, as well as helping to sleep promotes emotional stability and avoids dizziness and vertigo.
But one of its most important uses, by which this herb is known, is the regulation of menstruation and the relief of menstrual cramps. Even so, it is a dangerous plant, especially for pregnant women.
In its magical dimension is believed to have powers to enhance the fertility of women.
2. Magic uses for protection
Mugwort is a plant with multiple magical uses, but its great power focuses on protective qualities. In the Middle Ages, it was discovered that mugwort was very effective in repelling insects, especially butterflies. Understanding that it was a strong repellent, it was given properties to combat evil spirits as well.
For a long time, superstition revolved around the "mother of all magical herbs" and was regarded as a protective plant to be kept in the home to repel demons and evil spirits. In olden times, travelers always carried it with them to protect themselves from enemies on the roads.
In modern times, witchcraft and white magic still use mugwort as a very effective magic herb for rituals against the evil eye, or to clean rooms and protect themselves from evil spirits.
3. Clairvoyance
Mugwort is considered a tool for Oracle in divination and clairvoyance. It is used as a potion for the right person to transcend into other dimensions. It is known as an herb that helps to enter in trance state and reach mystical and ascetic positions, either in incense or in potion forms.
Its use for clairvoyance and divination comes from its stimulating properties of the mind, but also by considering it a sacred and divine plant. For this reason, in addition, it is usually used in altars of adoration to the divinities to request their favors.
Women who want to enhance their fertility or people who want to protect themselves from evil spirits adorn their altars of worship with mugwort.
4. Meditation and astral projection
It has long been known that mugwort has important properties for promoting sleep, relaxing the mind and achieving emotional stability. Mugwort is used for consumption in potions that help to enter into meditative processes and connect the mind with the inner self.
In particular, it is a well-known herb for astral projection, because it makes it easier for the mind to leave the body by inducing meditation and connecting with the inner self. In that sense, it is also a herb widely used for tantric sex, as it is taken along with aphrodisiac foods to open the chakras.
Mugwort uses
Artemisia vulgaris is, in its natural state, an aromatic plant that is used to give smell and freshness to the rooms. Also, ancestrally, it has been used as a culinary condiment. Also, you can benefit from this plant in the following ways.
1. Smoking mugwort
In the past, poor people used mugwort to complete their cigarettes by adding a little of that herb to the tobacco. This is how it was discovered that this herb produced alterations in the central nervous system that resulted in hallucinations and altered states of consciousness. The effect is similar to that of marijuana.
Currently, this is not very common, but smoking mugwort can be used for trance state, meditation, astral projection, and tantric sex, among others.
2. Mugwort tea
Be careful when making homemade mugwort tea, because its toxin is dangerous for the human body and badly dosed can produce counterproductive effects. A tablespoon of dried mugwort leaf in a cup of water is the recommended dose, and no more than two infusions daily.
Mugwort tea is especially indicated for menstrual cramps, but also for relieving upset stomach and cold symptoms.
3. Potions and poultices
Throughout history, mugwort has been used in poultices for multiple ailments, from relieving the pain of stings and palliate skin infections, to toothache and open wounds. The most commonly used poultice is to relieve menstrual cramps and enhance fertility.
As for potions, it is often mixed with other magical plants and species to help concentration, the connection between mind and spirit, and meditation.
4. Incense
Finally, mugwort can also be used as incense to clean the rooms and protect them from evil spirits. It can also be used to accompany protection rituals or to request favors from the divinities.
In ancient Chinese medicine, mugwort is used to heat some energy points and balance Chi (vital energy). The herb is usually burned about two centimeters from the skin, so it is always essential to do it in the hand of a professional.
Mugwort rituals and spells
Artemisia vulgaris is closely linked to the moon and therefore it is essential to analyze the lunar cycles when performing rituals and spells with it. With them, you will obtain effects of protection and fertility.
1. Protection
You can build a small altar with incense and the image of Artemis to invoke her presence and ask for her favors and protection. Accompany it with a green candle and a white candle, and a bowl for wine libations. Light the candles and incense, and open the ritual with a prayer of thanksgiving.
Make three libations of wine while you thank and adore the divinity. Burn some dried mugwort leaves and make a wine libation again. Ask for the favor and protection of Artemis as you spread the smoke of the mugwort. Make a closing prayer.
2. Fertility
On a lunar crescent night or two days before your fertile period, you can perform this ritual to claim that the goddess Artemis grants you fertility through the "mother of all herbs".
Put white candles around your bed and prepare a bath with warm water, cinnamon and drops of lemon and orange oil. Immerse yourself in the water and visualize pregnancy, after which you can dry off and head to bed. Light the candles and take a bouquet of mugwort and a photo of the goddess. Burn the mugwort leaves in a bowl while reciting a prayer.
When the leaves are burned and cold, put them with the photo in an envelope and keep it in a chest.