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9 Pisces Celebrities

Find out what celebrities are from this sign and how their horoscope affect their job

Those born between 20 February and 20 March are Pisces according to the western astrology. This is a water sign ruled by Neptune and Jupiter, and it is the only sign that is utterly aquatic from the water signs  because Cancer and Scorpio are also Earth ones. 

9 Pisces Celebrities

The natives of Pisces have intuition, a certain passivity and an aura of mysticism  around them. And many others that we will analyze below through famous people who have the fish as an astral reference.

Javier Bardem

We start this list of 9 Pisces celebrities with this Spanish artist that already has an Oscar for best actor. We can say that he is, according to his Zodiac sign, a very intuitive and mysterious person for people who don't know them. 

Pilar Bardem

The mother of Javier Bardem, Pilar, is also a Pisces. Her horoscope says that she is a woman with a big smile, who appreciates her neighbours,  who listens to who needs to be listened, and that never takes controversy or gossip into account.

Bruce Willis

We continue this list of 9 Pisces celebrities with Bruce Willis, one of the cinema sex symbols from a couple of decades ago. Even though he has shown himself as a tough person in his movies, the stars tell us that he is very romantic, he is always looking for true love  and real feelings, even reaching the limit of reason.

Sharon Stone

She was an erotic myth, but Sharon Stone has proven she is not just a body to admire. This woman, certified by Mensa (the association of people with high intellectual quotient) also wants to make the world a better place and therefore has several fronts open as an activist. Pisces delineates a way of thinking in her that evolves as she knows new philosophies of life, and that she enjoys reflecting on what surrounds her.

Shaquille O'Neal

The history of the Los Angeles basketball team wouldn't be the same without Shaquille O'Neal, who has been an actor occasionally. His excellent physical shape is due to the taste of Pisces of looking after their wellbeing through sports activities and other activities related to leisure.    

Jon Bon Jovi

Pisces are influenced by the planet Neptune, which governs dreams, and this gives them psychic abilities and creativity. In Bon Jovi, we find those abilities and many more, in order to justify his three diamond discs, the more than 200 platinum and the great string of awards he has behind him. Of course, considering that Neptune is also associated with music and poetry, everything is better understood.

Liza Minnelli

The actress that showed us that life is a "Cabaret" has particular relevance among this list of 9 Pisces celebrities. Because the horoscope shows us that Liza is hypersensitive, she lives in her flesh the feelings of others.  She is very attentive to her neighbour and her nature is open and tolerant. Although we already know this, for example, because of her fight against AIDS. In the 1980s, she was one of the few artists that stayed with the actor Rock Hudson, who was sick with this, then, deadly virus.

Sean Astin

You might have heard his name, but you're not sure who he is. And if I tell you you've seen him in "The Goonies"? And in "The Lord of the Rings" and "Stranger Things"? You remember now, right? Sean Astin is another of the 9 celebrities who are from the Pisces sign, and the stars say that he lacks self-confidence, but he is very optimistic about human nature, and this sometimes leads him to be overconfident.

Eva Longoria

It is often said that  Pisces women are touching and dreamy little muses who inspire poets, who stands out for her great artistic and creative sense, and who seeks a new aestheticism. Nobody can deny Eva Longoria's exquisite taste for aesthetics, 'that desperate woman' who also stands out for her solidarity.

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