Couple kissing with a backlit sunset

11:11 in Love: The Twin Flames and Their Spiritual Message

If you see this master number in your life, something wonderful is about to happen

At some point in life, you might have crossed paths with your soulmate and weren't aware of it... but if you suddenly start to wonder what does 11:11 mean in love, here's the key. Numerology hides highly relevant messages to your life that angels are trying to convey through what's known as mirror hours.

You're at a crucial time in your life because something wonderful is about to happen. If you see 11:11 on a clock or find this number anywhere, pay attention: this is the message of the twin flames. Do not miss this article to know all the details!

What are mirror hours? Their messages of love

Through numerology you can read the signs of fate, through which heavenly forces are trying to contact you. To understand that better, we'll tell you what mirror hours are, and how to pay attention to them.

The following situation might ring a bell: when looking up at a watch, the digital time sets the same number in the four digits (the two hour digits and the minute digits), for instance, 15:15. That's a fun coincidence, isn't it? But... what if it actually was your guardian angel trying to contact you?

That's nothing strange or a wacky invention, because angels are always trying to get in contact with you, through music, thoughts or astrology, for example. In this case, the repetition of a twin number on a watch is a wake-up call that has different meanings depending on what number it is.

And that's where the importance of numerology comes in, the analysis of numbers' influence in the most important events of our lives. According to this discipline, each number has specific values and meanings.

You just need to find a numerology guide that helps you reveal the message your guardian angel's trying to convey, at the exact point when your glance fell on a mirror hour. One of the great advantages of mirror hours is that there's always very special messages of love behind them.

What does 11:11 mean in love?

If you've bumped into this mirror hour and you're wondering what 11:11 means in love, you need to know that this is one of the most special messages you can get. If your eyes gaze upon this number, you'll see it's a master number.

By numerology standards, 1 is the symbol for personality, leadership, ambition, creativity and self-reliance, but number 11 holds the qualities of patience, honesty, spirituality, intuition and compassion, and it represents idealism as well. The first thing for you to know is that people who feel attracted to this number have a much more developed sense of spirituality.

If you see this number, you're receiving a very special energy influx. What happens then if a lucky strike of fate brings together two 11 numbers? Magic! The flames of love are communicating through a very special link, because they're two souls filled with energy and spirituality.

The twin flames of 11:11 call each other out through cosmic and heavenly forces, so if you see that number you should listen to your heart and open up your eyes to the synchronicities around you. There's someone very special out there that you're getting in touch with unnoticingly.

Have you ever thought of someone, and then they call you or bump into you in the street? Have you felt yourselves thinking of that person, and suddenly you see their name on paper or meet people who are called the same? Those are synchronicities, and seeing 11:11 is nothing but a call to attention so that you're aware of those supposed coincidences (which they aren't).

The twin flames: a story beyond love

The coincidence with 11:11 is a very special time in your life because it represents the connection between two unique souls. The magic of the universe is conspiring around you, but you need open eyes, full awareness, and actions in accordance.

The angels provide, but you perform. The universe provides its energy, but you need to find it and follow the clues that'll lead you down the right path.

You need to be aware that we were created from energy, and that it scattered across many parts. There are cases of energy units that were divided in half, creating two souls that travelled around the world to learn and experience, and that unconsciously await to meet again at some point to bring together all that personal growth, and never break apart again.

Twin flames are the highest form of energetic and spiritual frequency, because they represent complements, Yin and Yang, masculine and feminine, positive and negative. When they meet and fit together, they both unleash a vibrating frequency that allows passage into  a different mental, spiritual and even physical dimension.

That's why, if you see 11:11, you should immediately think that it is a sign connected to the twin flames that's coming your way. Get ready for a unique experience with which you'll reach a higher level of intimacy and understanding towards others, and you'll open your energetic field to receive your complement. Something wonderful is about to happen, and you should be receptive.

  • Close your eyes and make a wish to your angels, because it'll come true.
  • You're more sensitive, and need to pay attention to your dreams at night.
  • There's constant synchronicity around you, so be alert.
  • Get rid of negative energies blocking your channels and cleanse your aura.
  • Boost feelings of sympathy, understanding, generosity and kindness.
  • Go deeper into meditation and awaken your conscience.
  • Get ready to receive, and happily greet and embrace a new stage in your life.
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