Ángel Bluesea

Image of Ma. Angélica Oyarzún.
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I am Ángel Bluesea, my name is Ma. Angélica Oyarzún, and throughout my life, I have focused on two areas that center on the person, on the being. I am a Spanish teacher, with a degree in Education, a Master's in Curriculum Development, and I am also a graduate in Natural Therapies, a Naturopath, a Flower Therapist, a Biomagnetist, a Reiki Master, and a Tarot Reader.

I firmly believe that we are all energy, and everything around us is as well. Believing, trusting, motivates us to have a better day-to-day life, with hope, believing that everything can improve.
From this perspective and with experience, I share my knowledge, my energy, and my words to receive the message from the universe and transmit it through the predictions of the Magical Horoscope on this astrology page.

Aries zodiac sign with a sky with stars in the background
Pisces zodiac sign with a sky with stars in the background