I am Ángel Bluesea, my name is Ma. Angélica Oyarzún, and throughout my life, I have focused on two areas that center on the person, on the being. I am a Spanish teacher, with a degree in Education, a Master's in Curriculum Development, and I am also a graduate in Natural Therapies, a Naturopath, a Flower Therapist, a Biomagnetist, a Reiki Master, and a Tarot Reader.
I firmly believe that we are all energy, and everything around us is as well. Believing, trusting, motivates us to have a better day-to-day life, with hope, believing that everything can improve.
From this perspective and with experience, I share my knowledge, my energy, and my words to receive the message from the universe and transmit it through the predictions of the Magical Horoscope on this astrology page.