Pink Planet

Picture of Pink Planet
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My name is Pink Planet and I am the Community Manager of the Horoscope section of The Magic Horoscope. I am an aquarius, I was born on February 7th, 1998, in Reus. I have a degree in Journalism from the Rovira i Virgili University and I specialize in Business Communication and Online Reputation from the UOC. And I'm not going to let you miss the most accurate prediction according to your zodiac sign on the internet!


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A globe in the shape of a planet with astrological symbols drawn on it
Two hands holding each other with the word compatibilities and lucky numbers in the center
Two hands holding each other with the word compatibilities and lucky numbers in the center
Two hands holding each other with the word compatibilities and lucky numbers in the center
Two hands holding each other with the word compatibilities and lucky numbers in the center
Two hands holding each other with the word compatibilities and lucky numbers in the center
Two hands holding each other with the word compatibilities and lucky numbers in the center
Two hands holding each other with the word compatibilities and lucky numbers in the center
Two hands holding each other with the word compatibilities and lucky numbers in the center
Two hands holding each other with the word compatibilities and lucky numbers in the center